Family Theatre

Welcome to Weekend Movie Night Reviews, where you can find hot takes on movies you love and those you didn't even know existed all for the sake of finding the best movie for you and your family on your next movie night!

Welcome to Weekend Movie Night Reviews, where you can find hot takes on movies you love and those you didn't even know existed all for the sake of finding the best movie for you and your family on your next movie night!

Click the button in the upper right hand corner to see a complete list of all the past reviews I’ve done, peruse the about section if you want (but you don’t have to, I won’t be mad), and feel free to contact me with reviews you’d like to see on this site!

What this website is for:

Here at Weekend Movie Night Reviews, I don’t discriminate against any movie for any reason (unless it sucks). A movie can be long or short, old or new, direct-to-DVD or a full theatrical release, it doesn’t matter to me. I’d like to review them all here and maybe one day I will. Also, while I mainly focus on film here I am completely open to TV show suggestions as well if y’all would like to see something like that. Thank you in advance and enjoy!